The Culture Section is responsible for UKA's cultural program at the Student Society. The committees plan and carry out concerts, performances, and events of all genres and forms. Together, they create the program that makes UKA Norway's largest cultural festival.
Event is the committee responsible for organizing exciting theme parties and shows, as well as workshops, debates, and lectures at the Student Society during UKA. This includes everything from beer tasting and flame-blowing courses to events like Silent Disco and comedy shows. In short, Event handles everything in the cultural program that is not concerts or theater, and here, only creativity sets the limits! Event is also in charge of UKEgleden, which works to spread the UKA spirit to more than just energetic volunteers.
Husunderholdningen (House Entertainment) is responsible for safely guiding more than a dozen musical groups, two theater performances, and a comedy revue through UKA-23. It is our responsibility to ensure that the artistic committees at Samfundet get the opportunity to showcase their talent on one of Samfundet's many stages. Whether you enjoy organizing your inbox or designing costumes - we have a position for you in HusU!
SaSp stands for "Sang og Spill (Song and Play)» and is one of the concert committees in UKA. SaSp is responsible for three stages, all at the Student Society. They book and organize concerts in Storsalen, Klubben, and Knaus.
The revy was the beginning of the cultural festival UKA in 1917, and UKErevyen is therefore often referred to as the heart of UKA. By joining UKErevyen, you can become a part of Norway's largest student revy and over 100 years of revy tradition! The revy consists of around 200 volunteers who work together to make UKErevyen-23 the best it can be!
The Amplifier Committee (FK, Forsterkerkomiteen) is an internal committee at Samfundet that is responsible for everything related to sound, sound systems, and audio technology. The committee works closely with bands and technicians - both before, during, and after concerts and theater performances.
Regi is Samfundet's lighting and stage technical committee. This means that Regi handles lighting for concerts and theater events throughout the Student Society, and ensures that the stages are in good technical condition at all times.
The Video Committee (VK) is the team at Samfundet responsible for all video-related technology. During UKA, VK will be in charge of multi-camera production both at the Student Society and in Dødens dal (an area on campus), as well as everything related to screens, projectors, and information displays.