The Finance Section is responsible for ensuring that UKA at all times has an overview of the financial resources needed to create Norway's largest cultural festival. UKA's finances are gradually built up as all small and large projects develop. To make this possible, the section continuously works on budgeting, accounting, ticket sales, and payment solutions to ensure that money comes in and goes out of the organization at the right time. Within the Finance Section, you will find the committees Sales, Budget, and Accounting.
Budget is the committee that organizes and carries out UKA's budgeting rounds, as well as follows up with the financial responsible individuals in the various committees. This ensures that UKA manages to deliver a financial surplus back to the Student Society. We rely on a good, structured budgeting process and systematic control to identify and eliminate errors. Additionally, the Budget Committee is responsible for producing financial analyses for decision-making within the organization and finding potential funding opportunities for projects UKA wishes to undertake.
The Accounting Committee's main task is to keep accurate accounts for UKA, and the work takes place both before, during, and after the festival. The committee is responsible for monitoring financial procedures within all the committees of UKA and plays a central role in managing the festival's finances. The Accounting Committee also handles tasks related to sales settlements, invoicing, and payments. To carry out these responsibilities, Accounting relies on close cooperation with all the other committees in UKA.
The Sales Committee is primarily responsible for UKA's ticket sales and payment solutions. Through ticket sales and payment systems in bars and other sales points, the committee aims to provide the audience with a great experience when they visit UKA. As a part of the Sales Committee, you will work at all sales outlets of UKA, including at the Student Society, in Dødens dal, and at the UKE store at Gløshaugen. Sales collaborates closely with many committees in UKA, both during the planning phase and throughout the festival.